
I was feeling extra creative, ideas where popping out of my head, like light bulbs.. I was feeling extra creative, ideas where popping out of my head, like light bulbs..

Thanks for stopping by!

The second year:

Less about the brain (prayerfully). Still lots about adoption, autobiography, allegory and eclectic alliteration. Always more about the 25 jobs. Comments always appreciated.

The first year focus:

Fresh out of rehab, I said, “I feel like I’ve had a lobotomy.”  The surgeon said, “Well, in a way, you have.”

Writings about brain surgery, the 80’s, my 25 jobs, and the muse.

All content copyright by me.


18 thoughts on “About

  1. I went through a good portion of your posts. Very good stuff in there, your life has been much mor interesting than mine……….So Far……….


  2. I wanted to leave a comment on your “Don’t Take Your Organs When You Go!” post but when I scrolled down, I couldn’t see a box in which to comment.

    Anyway, just wanted to say I completely agree and support your views. My mother recently had a life-saving liver transplant and we are so thankful. I was planning on being a live liver donor but a donor organ became available the day before my donor surgery was scheduled. Amazing timing! Isn’t it strange how life turns out?

    Obviously it’s a personal thing for some people but signing up to be a donor is so important!


  3. Hi there Jaye,

    At the beginning of this year I wrote a short post ” PLEASE, NO RELATIVE SECRETS ! ” which was about adopted people not being told of their background.

    I feel quite passionate about this, and have received many positive responses.

    So, as a follow-up, I’m contacting all my blog followers to ask if you would be so kind as to pass this link (below) on to as many contacts you have by whatever means you have (facebook, twitter, email etc).

    If this saves just one person from being deprived of knowledge of their “natural” family members, then we have had success.

    This is the link to pass on ……


    Thanking you in anticipation.


    Cartoon Mick


    • Hi Cartoon Mick!
      Your note came at a timely fashion, with my Monday morning deluge of updates. I will get to it this week! I do want to promote all points of view, and while our views might differ, (and again, they might not), I want to open up my blogspace to encourage more discussion of this sort.

      Have a grand week!


  4. Hi Jaye! Stopping by to let you know you won one of the 5 copies of the Parenting Gag Reel ebook from the giveaway on my blog! (Any followers that commented during the giveaway were entered.) I was so happy when I saw your name get pulled out of the basket as a winner! 🙂


    I just need an email address to have the download sent to. You can either message me your email on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Momopolize) or send it to angelamcqn@aol.com. The link to the free download will be emailed to you by Abbey or Monica from Life Well Blogged. Congrats!! (My stories are in chapters 1 and 6 – hope you enjoy them!!)

    Lovin’ your posts! Sorry I haven’t been very good at commenting…Just need more hours in the day (stating the obvious…since I’m posting this after midnight! LOL)!


      • I’d love to follow you on Twitter, Jaye. I’m there but I don’t tweet very often. Kind of not sure what to say on that platform. You can find me at Menomama3 there if you’re interested.


      • There is some fundamental gap in my twitter understanding. I will plug electrodes into my head while I slumber tonight and see if that helps by morn. Maybe it is just a matter of practice, but I suspect it is something I should move up the priority scale. There are great adoption writers there that one would never stumble across on any other platform. (Well maybe on StumbledUpon but there are too many kittens there.).


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